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This is my page, dedicated to poetry
"has max turned soft?" i hear you ask...well the answer, quite blatantly is NO!!! this is my page where i put poems (generally ones slagging off George Dubya Bush) and if anyone would like to send me a poem and i think it qualifies i will place it on the site - poetry is NOT one of my strong points so i cant write them myself.
"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." —George W. Bush, in Sept. 2000
Georgy Porgy pudding and pie, Took cocaine which made him high,
When the sheriff came his way,
Georgy's pa sent him away.
Georgy Porgy wasn't daft,
Wanted to avoid the draft,
He found being a coward not too hard,
Daddy's friends got him into the guard.
Georgy Porgy businessman
With daddy's money his career began,
When the seed money all dried up,
Georgy's business went belly up.
Georgy Porgy governor guy
Brought the crime rate up so high,
And that was not his only solution,
Texas is number one on pollution.
Georgy Porgy's a true Texan,
Though he may fail again and again,
As long as his father has wealthy friends,
He'll do to us, what he did to them.
i need more poems!!!!
i need more poems!!!
How many Bush supporters does it take to change a light bulb? Six, one to turn the bulb and five to create a related tax loophole for the rich .
Mr. Bush called a travel agent and asked about the documents he needed in order to visit India. "You need a passport and you need visa," said the agent. "Passport I have," said Bush,"But will they accept my American Express?"
"People make suggestions on what to say all the time. I'll give you an example; I don't read what's handed to me. People say, 'Here, here's your speech, or here's an idea for a speech.' They're changed. Trust me."-Interview with the New York Times, March 15, 2000 |